Boys Leadership Summer Costa Rica
Our intent.
What we are not - we are not a bootcamp, nor an adventure tour or cookie cutter formula for developing young men.
We provide a supportive culture that promotes healthy boundaries where young men can gain the confidence to explore life with curiosity and conviction. We provide community conservation challenges that build awareness, forge friendships, and create opportunities to contribute at the local level. We incorporate versatile hands-on skills that last a lifetime from driving a stick shift to stepping onto the dance floor. Many young men grew up without a nurturing father, this void limited our growth and created confusion. All men struggle - only when we have something to risk do we engage the truth. We strongly believe the role of men and fathers is to model the values of freedom - not fear. With it, men create honest boundaries and take ownership of their lives. We all face anxiety, we can run from it or towards it, to face fear is not a measure of courage, but rather an expression of love and personal dignity.
We provide a supportive culture that promotes healthy boundaries where young men can gain the confidence to explore life with curiosity and conviction. We provide community conservation challenges that build awareness, forge friendships, and create opportunities to contribute at the local level. We incorporate versatile hands-on skills that last a lifetime from driving a stick shift to stepping onto the dance floor. Many young men grew up without a nurturing father, this void limited our growth and created confusion. All men struggle - only when we have something to risk do we engage the truth. We strongly believe the role of men and fathers is to model the values of freedom - not fear. With it, men create honest boundaries and take ownership of their lives. We all face anxiety, we can run from it or towards it, to face fear is not a measure of courage, but rather an expression of love and personal dignity.
Our opportunity.
Many boys around the age of 11 begin to lose excitement for school. It no longer feels real or relevant. Unable to explore and gain life experience they begin to feel untested and unsure of ourselves. Men who can't grow always seek easy outlets for feelings of frustration and isolation. We understand how the natural elements of conflict and adversity can bring men together. By expanding their comfort for the unknown, we shift male-thinking from in-action, to active non-verbal leadership. We don't define manhood, instead we tap into the spirit of men's need for fulfillment through teamwork, challenge and sacrifice. Having worked with young men in multiple environments for 30 yrs, we honor and accept them as individuals with individual stories and experience. Feel free to contact us and share your story with us. - Team Jack.